Friday, October 24, 2008


Well, I'm officially freaked out. We recently had another home invasion in our neighborhood. YIKES! Is the only word I can describe how I am feeling.

About a month or so ago we had another one here too. What is happening to our world? How do you explain things like this to our kids?

When I was a Freshman in high school, my sisters and I were home when a man broke into our house and started ransacking the place. He never knew we were home, Thank God, and he was arrested in our kitchen. I will NEVER forget the sound of the police shouting "Freeze, Newington Police". And I think I have never been the same.

Now we lock our doors, set safety locks on the windows, dead bolts everywhere and our trusted Sophie barking...why? Because these brazen criminals think they can just invade our homes, even when we are home!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I win!!

I recently joined ebay in hopes to see what was out there for fabrics and such, since many quilt shops here in CT don't carry the Amy Butler and Heather Bailey fabric that I am beginning to love. I am also looking for inspiration to hone my quilting and sewing skills. I love to do it, but feel like I want to expand what I can make and all that good stuff. There are so many talented people out there, and I want to be one of them. Plus giving away all my projects is something I love to do. I love when people I love get gifts that I have made. It warms my heart.
So, on ebay...I WON! I won two packages of fat quarters of Amy Butler's Midwest Modern and Heather Bailey's Pop Garden fabric. Which came in the mail a week or so ago! yea!
Plus two books...I had them on my Christmas list, but couldn't resist bidding on them now. One is Bend the Rules Sewing, by Amy Karol and the other is Little Stitches for Little Ones by Amy Butler. I can't wait to try out some patterns with my new fabric! ooo...imagine the possibilities. Now I need to find the time. And hopefully soon, I will have something new to post!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pigtails and Snails

I found a blog called Pigtails and Snails, where the author is a quilter that I can only describe as WOW!
And well, I am shamelessly posting about a beautiful quilt that Elizabeth Cranmer is giving away. She is so talented, wouldn't you agree.
I added the link to the sidebar, if you want to check it out. I am going to try to win it. I can't believe she is giving it away!
I can only hope to do a giveaway like this one day. Although, I guess giving all my quilts and projects away up to this point, is kind of like the same thing. Check her out, she is quite talented!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What to do?

A new life, new hope, new prayers....

Here's a link with at least something else you and I can do.

Consider it.

Friday, October 3, 2008

For Luck!

I appliquéd this shamrock onto a quilt project that one of my best friend's sisters is making for her, because she and her husband wanted one.

The shamrock has been an Irish symbol for good luck forever.

The luck of the Irish, I am sending their way tonight.

Rath Dé ort!

Bail ó Dhia ort!