Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How Do You Know?

How do you know if you are a good friend, wife, mother, daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, etc? How do you know? By the people around you? By the way people treat you? By the comments that people make? By the way people talk when they are with you? By the fact that people even want to be with you?

How do you know?

Now I don't want this post to turn into people saying "oh, Karen you are a good...". I am just posting this because I feel like I don't know. I feel like I am looking for reassurance, but it seldom comes. OR I only hang my hat on the negative comments and then try to figure out how I can make it better or change it. Focusing on the negative, not the positive. Why?
Then when someone whose comments should mean the most, tells you that you are a good..., why don't we believe it?

I guess I don't really expect an answer. I just wanted to ask the do we know?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I can't stop!

I just can't stop playing with the fabrics and making these bags! So here's the latest In Town Bag from Amy Butler, with her Midwest Modern Fabrics, by little ol' me. Pretty, huh?

I made this for a special lady for Christmas. I think she will love it, don't you?

Now, what next?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Messy Eater? Little Drooler?

No problem! I found this pattern in the book Bend the Rules Sewing by Amy Karol. It is a simple bib pattern that I used to make bibs for one special baby I know, for Christmas. I used my new fabrics again from Heather Bailey and Amy Butler. Not typical baby fabrics. Which I love. Plus this was the first time I ever used a snap tool to put the finishing touches on.
These are "Chic Bibs". Don't you agree?I am very much a fan of handmade gifts. Always have been. Now I have a way to try some new things and give gifts truly from the heart.
Now if only I could start a business doing what I love?!?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Another Creation!

Ok, so now I'm addicted!! I can't stop making bags and other goodies that I hope to giveaway to friends and family at Christmas. This is a bag that I finished last weekend, but hadn't had a chance to take the photo.I used the Amy Butler In Town Bag pattern and two coordinating fabrics that I "won" on ebay, from Heather Bailey's Pop Garden fabric line. So pretty, wouldn't you agree?

It has two pockets inside, which actually were a little easier to make this time, than the last time I made a bag. Plus this bag is definitely smaller. A little more sophisticated, rather than real functional.

Then for the closure, I added a decorative button and some ribbon. It really is a fairly easy pattern to follow, if anyone out there is interested in giving it a try.

I really love how it came out. And I think I need to make more. I am having a blast with all this fabric and all these new patterns. Somebody Stop Me!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Trancending with Friends...

I found this You Tube Video by Kelly Corrigan and found it so moving, that I had to post about it. I thank God for my friends every day. You know who you've helped me through the tough times and laughed with me through the happy times too. I love you guys!

It's is worth a watch.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


One, 1, single, solitaire...all words meaning the same thing. One seems so small, and almost insignificant. But not today. Not for us. Not for Ian. Today marks his first birthday. One whole year has passed. I remember that day like it was yesterday.
I had been having contractions off and on for over a month. We were finally going in to be induced and meet our new little one. We had to be in by 7am.

One whole year ago on that ride I talked to you. I told you how much I loved you. I told you how anxious I was to meet you. I told you to be patient with us as we made the transition of having you -- another little baby; a new person; a new member of our family. I told you that it was the holidays and what that meant. I told you that I was ready for you when you were ready to join us. And, I told you that this holiday season, we were extra thankful for you.

One whole year ago, Nana came over and stayed with your sister.

One whole year since we arrived at the hospital, scared, excited, and anxious at a very early hour of the morning.

One whole year since your Daddy coached me along.

One whole year since Dr. Mihalek asked Daddy to cut the cord.

One whole year, since he did!

One year passed in a blink of an eye!
Happy Birthday Ian!

I am just as grateful for you today as I was that day one whole year ago.

Thank you for being you. Thank you for the cuddles, giggles, and smiles.
Thank you for reminding me about the small things in life that we could miss otherwise.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So for a few years now, my older sister, my Mom, and I have gotten together on the weekend after Thanksgiving and made Peanut Brittle. It is a "family" recipe that involves a candy thermometer, constant stirring, to a specific temperature, add more ingredients, and stir some more, thenquick spreading with a fork, while trying not to get burned...and spreading on a cool surface. We have a special "heirloom" that we use as our cool surface...
Let it cool, then break it up into pieces! Yum!
In years past we have had others join us, join the fun, and craziness that is making peanut brittle. This year, both my sisters and my Mom and I were there, along with some of our kids. Craziness, but a lot of fun too.

Tradition! You don't monkey with tradition! :)